Saturday, August 5, 2017

Lunchtime 2016 Sept 13 - OMG! I'm Misinterpeting the World!

" Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle" - Lunch-Time with Devan Divine
"What Miracles Will Look Like From the Various Dimensions"
is what I am proposing for the title of the talk. The title now is "Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle". I will come up with some notes and TAGS for it.

My favorite quote:
OMG! I'm Misinterpreting the World!

These are just rough notes, but I'll go ahead an post the draft, just to get things out and get the practice. My comments will be in [brackets].

{Click below to listen to the Audio discussion which inspired this post}

[Sweet Music]

This has been boiling up inside. I'm about to pop.

The spiritual universe is a representation of right perception.

Your spiritual universe is a series of frequencies. [This is the neutral way to refer to a sensory experience.]

You have the urge to transcend this world, using a teaching like ACIM.

7:00 You are learning to accept every aspect and moment of your existence. It is like white light, in that it contains every frequency.

11:20 I am called to talk about today
I want to describe what a miracle will look like from the various dimensions.
13:28 [Something good was here]
A miracle in the 1st stage is like, "Trust my brother, who is one with me."

The brother is always FOR me. This person doesn't have a will of their own, so they can't do anything against me. There is something about every person place or thing

The first stage miracle is receiving what we want.

We think it is something we don't deserve, so we feel guilty.

18:00 Stage 2: You have the awareness of being worthy

People cheat on us. According to whose rules?

25:00 Stage 6

[I'll continue making notes, posting, and refining. I think this teaching needs a wider audience. I've listened to it more than 6 times.]

Ah Yes, One of my favorite spontaneous episodes... Here " Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle" - - However those are not referring to miracles from perspectives of dimensions but from frequencies of perspectives within the dimensions which many experience here on "earth". We had to make this experience far more complex then simple ideas, each dimension is full of deep layers of eons of details. while we cycle often through these frequencies, what I am speaking of on this episode is on the path from leaving the third-dimensional focused being to a conscious fifth-dimensional focused being.

Can you expand on the image of ' frequencies of perspectives within the dimensions which many experience here on "earth". '? What is an example of such a frequency? Is it like a statistical sample of the way people see things? How frequently you run into someone with that perspective, like a Trump supporter? or are "frequencies" more the scientific image of waves with differing "frequencies"?

It would be hard to describe, considering the word "frequency" has different meanings to the world now. However, in attempts to explain it, I would describe them as subtle changes we see in ourselves, such as emotions. In order to feel a certain way, you need to resonate ("believe") in that way of feeling having an influence over you. To break it down further, you have to understand that a "dimension" in our awareness is what you know now as a "mind", a "soul ,or a "body". These are three different "dimensions". Each of these dimensions experiences "frequencies" differently. For the sake of explanation, understand I am only referring to the dimensions we are commonly aware of as persons - the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The soul experiences them as sensations. The mind interprets to be "emotions". The body experiences them as what the mind describes as the differences of "pains" and "pleasures". Yet soul, mind and body all experience the same thing. The frequencies have been described over the eons as "chakras"; however, to envisage them as separate fields is to misunderstand that they all shine from the same source, divided perceptually, like a rainbow. Take for example a single "emotion" such as anger. We know the feeling that would cause us to conclude we are getting mad. The feeling itself does not come to this conclusion. Alone, an emotion arises and passes away much like a breeze blowing by, having an intensity that came and left with it. The body has these sensations of anger as well - it gets flustered, shakes, puts on a mad face and so on. However, it does so ONLY after the mind identifies with it as justifiable "emotion". The mind can only do this when it has looked at the physical world AND felt the sensations AND concluded that what they are together will lead to something it does not want to happen. Often this core is the idea of death, complete demise. It thinks this way because this "mind" identifies with the body as its reality ("improper perception"), and not an eternal life as its reality ("proper perception"). These two perceptions can look at that same frequency and see different things. In this case it is justified in being "angry" because it would lead to some sort of death or pain. The perspective that knows itself as eternal life looks at that same frequency and sees justification for "companion" instead. One sees a reason for war, and the other a reason to love. Same situation, responded to differently by the mind, using what it believes is important. I choose to see only Love, for that is what I am. :*

So, an example of a "frequency" is the set of feelings we might call "anger" if we are stuck in fear for the body's well-being.

Examples of "dimensions" in our awareness are a "mind", a "soul, or a "body". Are these, respectively, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions as you see them? Which thing corresponds to which dimension, and why?

These are great questions for our Dimensions Q&A on Wednesday. Yet, a form of these "mind soul & body" is all of the dimensions. In a very short explanation, as we add and expand with on one with the others it becomes a different version of the same. So for an example, the "mind" of the first is the same realm of "mind" (better understood as consciousness) as the fourth, yet the fourth comes after the evolution of perception of the second and third. This is why the "ego mind" knows only of bodies, for it's existence is only in the fourth, which is an evolution/expansion on the third. In other words we are not only animals/objects of the third but now with consciousness as sentient animals/objects. The third came into existence after the consciousness that was only interested in the second developed an idea of the being an opposite of what all it is, is. So the "fall" is referring to the first "declining" of awareness into the fourth, when the first saw only the representation of the spiritual universe of the second, become bodies of the third. So understand this as the first and the second are one in the same, as well as the third and fourth are as well. (The first) Christ consciousness, reflected by the spiritual universe (the second) sees only it's self as an array of soul densities. In it's seeking of continual expansion it exceeded the options available within (a only Love) spiritual universe, and developed an idea of (the lack of Love) opposition universe (physicality). The fourth is our development from that as we take it's perspective as if nothing else exists. The fifth dimension is another spiritual realm even as the second, but with the awakened remembrance & awareness of the first. Boom. lol

OK, I was listening again, and got at least a partial answer to my question.
The fourth dimension is where you can see bodies exist and move in space-time. "Improper perception" is taking the bodies as real, when they are only somewhat persistent in a certain duration of space-time. It is fearful to identify oneself with the temporary bodies, that are not even well-defined, since they are in so much flux. The self knows on some level that it is a permanent, well-defined entity, so thinking it is a temporary body is uncomfortable.
Interestingly, it seems the 2nd dimension (the perspective of Christ where all vibrations occur perfectly connected, as one perfect emanation of universal energy) is consciousness. And the fourth dimension (Improper perception, at least in our fallen state) is consciousness.
But the third dimension is NOT consciousness? Somehow it seems true to me. There is some support for it in physics, too. The third dimension can't exist, as it is too static. It doesn't have time. The consciousness of the 2nd dimension is a different kind of consciousness from that of the 4rth. All dimensions are boiled down to the 2nd, which is a line of binary data written on the inside surface of a sphere at the edge of the universe. Time is more the 1st dimension than the 4rth. Planes and cubes and other geometrical figures are just representations  for building up the physical world conceptions.
Now I am very interested in seeing the 5th dimension.

Ok, So that "binary code" is the holographic spiritual universe which in it self is only "static", it is the consciousness that determines what it is looking at within the "static". The interpreter of the code. So brake it down like this. The 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th are all Consciousness. the 2nd, 5th & 8th are all Spiritual/Souls. The 3rd, 6th & 9th are all physical-like. Aways progressing in the same pattern. Each of then really are all the consciousness being represented in different fashions. For example, The 2nd is the same spiritual universe of the 5th, yet the difference is the consciousness had not undergone the extensive training the 3rd & 4th offers, when it does it sees the same 2nd as the 5th. Yet it is always this consciousness that is continually experiencing these dimensions.

1 comment:

Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne said...

Ah Yes, One of my favorite spontaneous episodes... Here " Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle" - - However those are not referring to miracles from perspectives of dimensions but from frequencies of perspectives within the dimensions which many experience here on "earth". We had to make this experience far more complex then simple ideas, each dimension is full of deep layers of eons of details. while we cycle often through these frequencies, what I am speaking of on this episode is on the path from leaving the third-dimensional focused being to a conscious fifth-dimensional focused being.