Saturday, August 12, 2017

Feedback to Dimensions Hangout Wednesday August 9, 2017

We had been talking about "I need do nothing". Something in Devan's presentation struck me as similar to a form of self-deception that I associate with religiosity. It's like, "Just tell yourself this is the truth, and it will be, regardless of the evidence of your senses." Maybe that IS the truth, but I have a lot of resentments around it.

In our Dimensions Hangout, I talked about my usual hang-up, namely, suffering is real and we need to do something about it on the physical plane. Specifically in evidence, the Presidency* of Donald Trump.

Here is how I suffer from Trump: First, there are material ways my life could be better if he weren't elected. Second, I see his destruction of beauty, in the form of U.S. democracy. Third, I see the injustice being done to the majority of the people, and especially to most vulnerable. I feel guilty if I allow that injustice to benefit me. It seems if you believe the body is real or have the least bit of physical fear, there are all sorts of compulsions about what to think, feel, and do. It doesn't seem I am anywhere near ready to give up the reality of the world in which Donald was elected.

Into that background Devan injects the idea that he can be in a state of not knowing who won the election. And he can do this while being a normal, non-sleeping, non-hallucinating human being. I have trouble understanding this kind of thing. For me, to understand it is to be in that state, and I am not. Or, I'm not ready to see that I am.

I can see how not knowing who won the election might work, if you have a vision of human spiritual (??) advancement, such that governance could be taken to a whole new level of being. Maybe it would coincide with an evolutionary change in the way people use their brains. It would have to be a form of wordless learning. The effect would be like if the percentage of talented musicians went from the low it is now, to being the great majority of people. It might be that more and more people will begin to see each other more clearly, and see how to cooperate and enjoy each other's presence. It might  quickly become so obvious, to so many, how to treat each other, that government structures have very little pressure upon them, and can right themselves.

These ideas are probably ridiculous to most people now. I'm just making up a story, but I can believe it has a 10% chance of coming true, or something else just as good. But so far it hasn't alleviated the  suffering. 

I'd also like to hear more from Devan about what it is like to be in that state, where you don't know who won the election. Do you have to come out of it when you talk to people and the subject comes up?

Hope this is useful.

*The asterisk is because somehow in history the current Presidency will go down as different  from all those before. Either it will be the end of the current form of government in favor of a non-democratic form. Or it will be the last of the old, corrupt form of government (known as democracy but not), in favor of a more democratic and more benevolent government than the world has ever seen. Or perhaps it will just be a blip in an otherwise long series of similar Presidencies. But it is NOT a normal Presidency.

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