Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Brief Course in Time

Rev. Devan was talking about all-there-is-in-all-time being all smashed together, and therefore incomprehensible.

From the 5th dimension, all that exists in 'our' 4 dimensions is contained in a point.

It is smashed together, because it is all the universe in a point.

I understand the point-line-plane-space theorem somewhat.

To visualize a dimension higher than ours, we have to envision all that is contained in 'our' dimensional space, as a point. In the next higher dimension, the point containing all of spacetime has to be able to move along a line. Along that line are similar points (entire systems of space-time that differ from ours by one Planct constant, in ONE of all the myriad forms of difference our space-time contains). That is the nature a one-dimension-up line, in this case a 5th dimension. Those lines radiate out in all the dimensions as defined by the nature of our 4 dimensions, and varying not just once in the direction of one altered molecule, but by variations in all aspects, in all lower dimensions. That is the space of the 6th dimension, in which the lines of the 5th dimension can curve.

It is a little harder for me to see what this implies for my daily life, my concerns, my suffering. I think Nadine was voicing the same thing when she said, "How does this apply to a situation, for example, a woman having a baby?"

One thing it implies, is that reality is so much greater than we can imagine, we need never worry about the trivial thoughts and concerns we experience in daily life. Or even in the face of great pain or death. If I am not limited to this body and this lifetime as I have imagined it, then I might as well discard worry and concern as unnecessary. A woman having a baby, if she understood this immensity of existence, might well have no discomfort. I understand some women have deeply religious experiences during and as a result of childbirth. (And then there is Post-Partum Depression...)

My concern for myself, is: how do I KNOW the experience of the infinity of my being when I am not experiencing it. Is it my own self that is infinite? Maybe if I understand these dimensions, I will be able to move in the direction of being in perfect peace and in perfect acceptance-love-gratitude all the time. I have a lot of concern about the state the world is in, and how can I contribute to making it better. That seems so true and real and important that it would feel dishonest to me not to want whatever I do in the world to be oriented in that direction.

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