Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Church of the Remnant

The Remnant are the people left over after the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse itself is a concept for something that may never happen, may have already happened, may happen over and over, or may happen only in our minds. It is a literary event. But the Remnant are the people for whom the Apocalypse could just be a day that ends in 'y'. They are ready for it, and have already experienced it.

The Remnant see reality for what it is. The truth of the material world may be that greed and fear have gained the upper hand - so much so, that they are literally destroying the ecological livability of the planet. The greedy are willing to threaten and follow through with genocide, by nuclear war or other means. Assassinating individuals who oppose them is child's play by comparison. Only the Remnant can stand up to them, for each member of the Remnant has already accepted the loss of everything, including his or her own life, and including the beauty of this world.

Remmies live in community, like the New Testament church, holding all things in common. They use scientific and technical knowledge to facilitate life. They live lives of ease and leisure, like the old hunter-gathers, but "each under his own grapevine" in permaculture paradise. They call each other by the name of Christ, because they see the returned Jesus in each. "Christ Devan", "Christ Linda", "Christ John", "Christ Virginia". They have time to be formal and informal, and to play with words and titles. Children are treasured above all, like the babes of bonobo society.

The communities start small and scattered, but at a certain moment of history, they explode in size and number. The Tribulation may involve some persecution and genocide, but the communities are spiritually built to withstand it. Every member of every community is an inspired leader on the level of Gandhi or MLK. The Spirit that guides each one cannot be killed. Victory is assured, because victory is already mine, says the Lord. Each member of each community already knows he or she is a perfect child of God, and has already accepted the loss of this world. They simply live and die as the cells of an individual human body live and die. All is blissful, white light of consciousness that endures forever. The All-Powerful creates, and destroys, and lives lustily in all creation. Amen.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Feedback to Dimensions Hangout Wednesday August 9, 2017

We had been talking about "I need do nothing". Something in Devan's presentation struck me as similar to a form of self-deception that I associate with religiosity. It's like, "Just tell yourself this is the truth, and it will be, regardless of the evidence of your senses." Maybe that IS the truth, but I have a lot of resentments around it.

In our Dimensions Hangout, I talked about my usual hang-up, namely, suffering is real and we need to do something about it on the physical plane. Specifically in evidence, the Presidency* of Donald Trump.

Here is how I suffer from Trump: First, there are material ways my life could be better if he weren't elected. Second, I see his destruction of beauty, in the form of U.S. democracy. Third, I see the injustice being done to the majority of the people, and especially to most vulnerable. I feel guilty if I allow that injustice to benefit me. It seems if you believe the body is real or have the least bit of physical fear, there are all sorts of compulsions about what to think, feel, and do. It doesn't seem I am anywhere near ready to give up the reality of the world in which Donald was elected.

Into that background Devan injects the idea that he can be in a state of not knowing who won the election. And he can do this while being a normal, non-sleeping, non-hallucinating human being. I have trouble understanding this kind of thing. For me, to understand it is to be in that state, and I am not. Or, I'm not ready to see that I am.

I can see how not knowing who won the election might work, if you have a vision of human spiritual (??) advancement, such that governance could be taken to a whole new level of being. Maybe it would coincide with an evolutionary change in the way people use their brains. It would have to be a form of wordless learning. The effect would be like if the percentage of talented musicians went from the low it is now, to being the great majority of people. It might be that more and more people will begin to see each other more clearly, and see how to cooperate and enjoy each other's presence. It might  quickly become so obvious, to so many, how to treat each other, that government structures have very little pressure upon them, and can right themselves.

These ideas are probably ridiculous to most people now. I'm just making up a story, but I can believe it has a 10% chance of coming true, or something else just as good. But so far it hasn't alleviated the  suffering. 

I'd also like to hear more from Devan about what it is like to be in that state, where you don't know who won the election. Do you have to come out of it when you talk to people and the subject comes up?

Hope this is useful.

*The asterisk is because somehow in history the current Presidency will go down as different  from all those before. Either it will be the end of the current form of government in favor of a non-democratic form. Or it will be the last of the old, corrupt form of government (known as democracy but not), in favor of a more democratic and more benevolent government than the world has ever seen. Or perhaps it will just be a blip in an otherwise long series of similar Presidencies. But it is NOT a normal Presidency.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Lunchtime 2016 Sept 13 - OMG! I'm Misinterpeting the World!

" Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle" - Lunch-Time with Devan Divine
"What Miracles Will Look Like From the Various Dimensions"
is what I am proposing for the title of the talk. The title now is "Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle". I will come up with some notes and TAGS for it.

My favorite quote:
OMG! I'm Misinterpreting the World!

These are just rough notes, but I'll go ahead an post the draft, just to get things out and get the practice. My comments will be in [brackets].

{Click below to listen to the Audio discussion which inspired this post}

[Sweet Music]

This has been boiling up inside. I'm about to pop.

The spiritual universe is a representation of right perception.

Your spiritual universe is a series of frequencies. [This is the neutral way to refer to a sensory experience.]

You have the urge to transcend this world, using a teaching like ACIM.

7:00 You are learning to accept every aspect and moment of your existence. It is like white light, in that it contains every frequency.

11:20 I am called to talk about today
I want to describe what a miracle will look like from the various dimensions.
13:28 [Something good was here]
A miracle in the 1st stage is like, "Trust my brother, who is one with me."

The brother is always FOR me. This person doesn't have a will of their own, so they can't do anything against me. There is something about every person place or thing

The first stage miracle is receiving what we want.

We think it is something we don't deserve, so we feel guilty.

18:00 Stage 2: You have the awareness of being worthy

People cheat on us. According to whose rules?

25:00 Stage 6

[I'll continue making notes, posting, and refining. I think this teaching needs a wider audience. I've listened to it more than 6 times.]

Ah Yes, One of my favorite spontaneous episodes... Here " Frequency Perspectives of a Miracle" - - However those are not referring to miracles from perspectives of dimensions but from frequencies of perspectives within the dimensions which many experience here on "earth". We had to make this experience far more complex then simple ideas, each dimension is full of deep layers of eons of details. while we cycle often through these frequencies, what I am speaking of on this episode is on the path from leaving the third-dimensional focused being to a conscious fifth-dimensional focused being.

Can you expand on the image of ' frequencies of perspectives within the dimensions which many experience here on "earth". '? What is an example of such a frequency? Is it like a statistical sample of the way people see things? How frequently you run into someone with that perspective, like a Trump supporter? or are "frequencies" more the scientific image of waves with differing "frequencies"?

It would be hard to describe, considering the word "frequency" has different meanings to the world now. However, in attempts to explain it, I would describe them as subtle changes we see in ourselves, such as emotions. In order to feel a certain way, you need to resonate ("believe") in that way of feeling having an influence over you. To break it down further, you have to understand that a "dimension" in our awareness is what you know now as a "mind", a "soul ,or a "body". These are three different "dimensions". Each of these dimensions experiences "frequencies" differently. For the sake of explanation, understand I am only referring to the dimensions we are commonly aware of as persons - the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. The soul experiences them as sensations. The mind interprets to be "emotions". The body experiences them as what the mind describes as the differences of "pains" and "pleasures". Yet soul, mind and body all experience the same thing. The frequencies have been described over the eons as "chakras"; however, to envisage them as separate fields is to misunderstand that they all shine from the same source, divided perceptually, like a rainbow. Take for example a single "emotion" such as anger. We know the feeling that would cause us to conclude we are getting mad. The feeling itself does not come to this conclusion. Alone, an emotion arises and passes away much like a breeze blowing by, having an intensity that came and left with it. The body has these sensations of anger as well - it gets flustered, shakes, puts on a mad face and so on. However, it does so ONLY after the mind identifies with it as justifiable "emotion". The mind can only do this when it has looked at the physical world AND felt the sensations AND concluded that what they are together will lead to something it does not want to happen. Often this core is the idea of death, complete demise. It thinks this way because this "mind" identifies with the body as its reality ("improper perception"), and not an eternal life as its reality ("proper perception"). These two perceptions can look at that same frequency and see different things. In this case it is justified in being "angry" because it would lead to some sort of death or pain. The perspective that knows itself as eternal life looks at that same frequency and sees justification for "companion" instead. One sees a reason for war, and the other a reason to love. Same situation, responded to differently by the mind, using what it believes is important. I choose to see only Love, for that is what I am. :*

So, an example of a "frequency" is the set of feelings we might call "anger" if we are stuck in fear for the body's well-being.

Examples of "dimensions" in our awareness are a "mind", a "soul, or a "body". Are these, respectively, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions as you see them? Which thing corresponds to which dimension, and why?

These are great questions for our Dimensions Q&A on Wednesday. Yet, a form of these "mind soul & body" is all of the dimensions. In a very short explanation, as we add and expand with on one with the others it becomes a different version of the same. So for an example, the "mind" of the first is the same realm of "mind" (better understood as consciousness) as the fourth, yet the fourth comes after the evolution of perception of the second and third. This is why the "ego mind" knows only of bodies, for it's existence is only in the fourth, which is an evolution/expansion on the third. In other words we are not only animals/objects of the third but now with consciousness as sentient animals/objects. The third came into existence after the consciousness that was only interested in the second developed an idea of the being an opposite of what all it is, is. So the "fall" is referring to the first "declining" of awareness into the fourth, when the first saw only the representation of the spiritual universe of the second, become bodies of the third. So understand this as the first and the second are one in the same, as well as the third and fourth are as well. (The first) Christ consciousness, reflected by the spiritual universe (the second) sees only it's self as an array of soul densities. In it's seeking of continual expansion it exceeded the options available within (a only Love) spiritual universe, and developed an idea of (the lack of Love) opposition universe (physicality). The fourth is our development from that as we take it's perspective as if nothing else exists. The fifth dimension is another spiritual realm even as the second, but with the awakened remembrance & awareness of the first. Boom. lol

OK, I was listening again, and got at least a partial answer to my question.
The fourth dimension is where you can see bodies exist and move in space-time. "Improper perception" is taking the bodies as real, when they are only somewhat persistent in a certain duration of space-time. It is fearful to identify oneself with the temporary bodies, that are not even well-defined, since they are in so much flux. The self knows on some level that it is a permanent, well-defined entity, so thinking it is a temporary body is uncomfortable.
Interestingly, it seems the 2nd dimension (the perspective of Christ where all vibrations occur perfectly connected, as one perfect emanation of universal energy) is consciousness. And the fourth dimension (Improper perception, at least in our fallen state) is consciousness.
But the third dimension is NOT consciousness? Somehow it seems true to me. There is some support for it in physics, too. The third dimension can't exist, as it is too static. It doesn't have time. The consciousness of the 2nd dimension is a different kind of consciousness from that of the 4rth. All dimensions are boiled down to the 2nd, which is a line of binary data written on the inside surface of a sphere at the edge of the universe. Time is more the 1st dimension than the 4rth. Planes and cubes and other geometrical figures are just representations  for building up the physical world conceptions.
Now I am very interested in seeing the 5th dimension.

Ok, So that "binary code" is the holographic spiritual universe which in it self is only "static", it is the consciousness that determines what it is looking at within the "static". The interpreter of the code. So brake it down like this. The 1st, 4th, 7th & 10th are all Consciousness. the 2nd, 5th & 8th are all Spiritual/Souls. The 3rd, 6th & 9th are all physical-like. Aways progressing in the same pattern. Each of then really are all the consciousness being represented in different fashions. For example, The 2nd is the same spiritual universe of the 5th, yet the difference is the consciousness had not undergone the extensive training the 3rd & 4th offers, when it does it sees the same 2nd as the 5th. Yet it is always this consciousness that is continually experiencing these dimensions.

Lunchtime 2016 Sept 13 - "Well, OTHER people feel fear..."

I am willing to believe there is only my will, that God's will is my will. But it still seems I can see God's and my will being unpleasant for me. And I still want to change it. I still feel fear and guilt. That is what I want to work on.

One of my favorite quotes from Lunchtime 2016 Sept 13 is "Well, OTHER people feel fear...". You did it in that perfect immature, complaining voice. Overcoming fear is thought to be one of the great feats a human can accomplish, when the fear in question is for one's very existence. You are talking about existential fear, and putting it toward the beginning of the path. Third or fourth dimension or stage.

So let's get that over with, so we can get on to more interesting things, you are saying. I'm not completely through with that process, and I have considerable despair when I am in a certain mood about it. But I share the sentiment, that I want to get on to the more interesting things.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Devan's July 13th Lunchtime talk from ACIM Gather is entitled "I Need Do Nothing?" In this posting I will write my reactions to the first section of this talk, which goes to about the 9 minute mark.

5:07 ...We're gonna make sure that we're
5:09 talking about the right dimensional
5:12 perspective. And that's what the levels
5:13 are usually referring to. So you have
5:16 this split mind idea, right? This is the
5:20 difference between the first dimension
5:22 the Christ Consciousness, awakened to
5:25 itself, knowing everything, and creating
5:27 all the reality - and the same
5:29 consciousness dimensional realm...

I get the Christ Consciousness being the 1st dimension. One step away from the Zeroeth Dimension (which containeth everything :), is the 1st dimension. It is the barest separation of all. It is the tiniest step along the number line away from the Point that contains everything, but that can't know itself. (But you can also go an infinite distance along that line. I don't know if the entire line is Christ Consciousness, or just the first Planck length away from no dimensions).

5:32 the fourth dimension in which on the
5:35 other side doesn't know anything and is
5:37 learning and receiving knowledge of the
5:39 world. And is in this improper perception,
5:43 this ego thing that only a believes
5:46 itself in time. So the difference between
5:49 the two is considered proper perception
5:53 and improper perception.

Somehow we jump to the 4rth dimension here, which is the ordinary space-time we all inhabit, as naive humans, Einstein-inspired physicists, and spiritual teachers. I don't get this "jump", but I continue listening for more clues.

Now they look
5:57 onto the holographic elements of the
5:59 universe and see different things. So the
6:02 second dimension is the first
6:05 representation of seeing the pure love
6:08 of the spiritual universe. All right? 

No, not all right. Why is the _2nd_ dimension "the first representation of seeing the pure love"? What is the difference between the tiny separation of Christ Consciousness, and the second dimension? Doesn't Christ Consciousness see itself? In what way is the second dimension different from that?

6:11 that is a perspective of Christ that
6:14 perceives in proper perception the pure
6:17 love existence of the universe. Saying
6:20 that it's all naturally connected and
6:22 all all the particles are moving
6:24 together
6:25 and it is quite literally represented
6:28 the movement and emanation of energy.
6:30 This is light and sound. So the improper
6:34 perception of the fourth dimension, which
6:36 is considered time, looks at the third
6:40 dimension it looks at that same
6:42 holographic universe and sees
6:44 physicality
6:46 this is objects and shapes and sizes and
6:49 bodies so when of course the Miracles is
6:52 referring to bodies it's usually
6:55 referring to this third dimensional
6:57 perspective that is quite literally
7:00 joined and united with the fourth
7:02 dimensional perspective.

I get that our experience is movement and emanation of energy, light and sound. I would add bodily sensation, which is energy, but maybe some energy other than light and sound. I don't get how the 4rth dimension is looking at the 3rd, and how the 4rth and 3rd are joined.

One is in
7:06 consciousness and one seems to be where
7:09 consciousness resides, like your mind in
7:12 your body which is just silly.

So the 4rth dimension is consciousness, and the 3rd is where consciousness resides?

So this is
7:19 just the clarification of this first
7:21 era of existence, with our... as far as
7:24 this universe on this trial period of
7:27 purifying this new idea, this idea which
7:30 we mostly comprehend as separation but...
7:33 be sure to understand that each of these
7:36 ten dimensions of reality are
7:39 paradoxical to the others.

Each dimension is paradoxical to the others, like this question: Here I am in 3 dimensional space, and someone tells me there is another dimension. I ask them to point at it. "Show me the direction to travel in the new dimension." They can't point in that direction. They say, "Well, it is time." I can follow the direction of time only in my mind or experience.

That they
7:42 somehow have a different variation of
7:45 different laws and different
7:47 understanding. Just like to give an
7:50 object in the third dimensional world is
7:52 to no longer have it yourself and then
7:56 the other person possesses it. This is
7:58 where the ego's perception is, often. But
8:02 then in the _mind_, in the consciousness
8:04 field, to give a something that that mind
8:08 could have, is a _thought_, and it is only
8:11 expanded or grows by giving it. You don't
8:15 lose what the consciousness owns and the
8:18 same thing with that proper perception
8:20 of the representation of the spiritual
8:22 universe, that in the energetic field
8:25 also it is only expanded because it
8:28 represents that proper perception of
8:31 consciousness. So, if you can hear
8:35 kind of what I'm saying, that it all
8:36 revolves
8:37 around the consciousness's perspective.

So the difference between the 3rd and 4rth dimensions is that in the 4rth dimension, it is clear to my mind that past and future are non-physical concepts, and to give a concept is not to lose it, but to spread it.

8:40 That's why A Course In Miracles is a
8:42 mind training program. As far as where it
8:45 sits in (inaudible) the ten dimensions of
8:48 reality is the fourth dimension learning
8:52 how to become what it actually is
8:54 breaking that split in the between the
8:57 mind and the barrier there, to open up to
9:00 the actual reality of representing
9:03 itself in the fifth dimension - again the
9:06 same spiritual realm as the second
9:08 dimension. So you start having these
9:11 spiritual experiences of recognizing and
9:14 knowing everyone and of seeing this
9:17 unity and all this great wonderful
9:19 amazing stuff but it is quite literally
9:23 only the fifth I mentioned on among 10

The 5th dimension is where the 4rth dimension can be taken as a point, and an line, and get curved all around, and wonderful things can happen.

Yeah, uh-huh, bring it on. That's where we want to be. But that is only the beginning, you are saying.

A Brief Course in Time

Rev. Devan was talking about all-there-is-in-all-time being all smashed together, and therefore incomprehensible.

From the 5th dimension, all that exists in 'our' 4 dimensions is contained in a point.

It is smashed together, because it is all the universe in a point.

I understand the point-line-plane-space theorem somewhat.

To visualize a dimension higher than ours, we have to envision all that is contained in 'our' dimensional space, as a point. In the next higher dimension, the point containing all of spacetime has to be able to move along a line. Along that line are similar points (entire systems of space-time that differ from ours by one Planct constant, in ONE of all the myriad forms of difference our space-time contains). That is the nature a one-dimension-up line, in this case a 5th dimension. Those lines radiate out in all the dimensions as defined by the nature of our 4 dimensions, and varying not just once in the direction of one altered molecule, but by variations in all aspects, in all lower dimensions. That is the space of the 6th dimension, in which the lines of the 5th dimension can curve.

It is a little harder for me to see what this implies for my daily life, my concerns, my suffering. I think Nadine was voicing the same thing when she said, "How does this apply to a situation, for example, a woman having a baby?"

One thing it implies, is that reality is so much greater than we can imagine, we need never worry about the trivial thoughts and concerns we experience in daily life. Or even in the face of great pain or death. If I am not limited to this body and this lifetime as I have imagined it, then I might as well discard worry and concern as unnecessary. A woman having a baby, if she understood this immensity of existence, might well have no discomfort. I understand some women have deeply religious experiences during and as a result of childbirth. (And then there is Post-Partum Depression...)

My concern for myself, is: how do I KNOW the experience of the infinity of my being when I am not experiencing it. Is it my own self that is infinite? Maybe if I understand these dimensions, I will be able to move in the direction of being in perfect peace and in perfect acceptance-love-gratitude all the time. I have a lot of concern about the state the world is in, and how can I contribute to making it better. That seems so true and real and important that it would feel dishonest to me not to want whatever I do in the world to be oriented in that direction.

This is a reaction to
