The Remnant are the people left over after the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse itself is a concept for something that may never happen, may have already happened, may happen over and over, or may happen only in our minds. It is a literary event. But the Remnant are the people for whom the Apocalypse could just be a day that ends in 'y'. They are ready for it, and have already experienced it.
The Remnant see reality for what it is. The truth of the material world may be that greed and fear have gained the upper hand - so much so, that they are literally destroying the ecological livability of the planet. The greedy are willing to threaten and follow through with genocide, by nuclear war or other means. Assassinating individuals who oppose them is child's play by comparison. Only the Remnant can stand up to them, for each member of the Remnant has already accepted the loss of everything, including his or her own life, and including the beauty of this world.
Remmies live in community, like the New Testament church, holding all things in common. They use scientific and technical knowledge to facilitate life. They live lives of ease and leisure, like the old hunter-gathers, but "each under his own grapevine" in permaculture paradise. They call each other by the name of Christ, because they see the returned Jesus in each. "Christ Devan", "Christ Linda", "Christ John", "Christ Virginia". They have time to be formal and informal, and to play with words and titles. Children are treasured above all, like the babes of bonobo society.
The communities start small and scattered, but at a certain moment of history, they explode in size and number. The Tribulation may involve some persecution and genocide, but the communities are spiritually built to withstand it. Every member of every community is an inspired leader on the level of Gandhi or MLK. The Spirit that guides each one cannot be killed. Victory is assured, because victory is already mine, says the Lord. Each member of each community already knows he or she is a perfect child of God, and has already accepted the loss of this world. They simply live and die as the cells of an individual human body live and die. All is blissful, white light of consciousness that endures forever. The All-Powerful creates, and destroys, and lives lustily in all creation. Amen.